Monday, December 3, 2007

Blog #12 week ending Dec 3, 2007

Entry #1

When going through the evaluation process it is important to develop the proper measurement instruments which can include test, questionnaires, and surveys. In the book it says surveys could present the most difficulty because it can be difficult to at least a 50% return. I believe the best choice of instrument could be a combination of a test and questionnaire. The test could prove if the subject was able to retain the new information that was being taught. After the test the subject could answer a questionnaire so that you can find out what they liked, didn’t like, and what could be improved. Feedback lets you know how you did with developing a learning tool. After you receive feedback you are able to make any changes so that you can begin developing a new training program for next time.

Entry #2

The semester has come to a close. This is my last blog entry for TSTM 544. It has been a fast semester and we are finishing up our design project. This week we had to develop our Camtasia video for one of our modules. It took me awhile to get what I wanted, but I think my video turned out better than I had thought. With the design project about over I am turning my focus onto the quiz 3 that was assigned to us. I got my questions written out. The only problem I am running into is scheduling a time to meet and conduct the interview. With classes coming to an end with reviews/studying for exams and work it is becoming more difficult than I thought. I think everything will work out in the end and I will make the grade I want in this class. =)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Blog #11 week ending Nov 26, 2007

Entry #1

The evaluation process is one of the most important steps to understand. This step will let you know if all the time you spent on the project was worth it or not. It is important to develop an evaluation strategy. This helps you to determine the level of evaluation and how you are going to measure them. In the book the evaluation strategy is separated into 4 components. The learning strategy tells you want you wanted to get out of the project. The e-learning strategy lets you know what you need to invest in technology wise. The evaluation strategy lets you know what criteria to base things on and the evaluation plan is developed for each project. Once you know the evaluation strategy it will be help you know how you will rate the project as a success or failure and what needs or doesn’t need to be changed.

Entry #2

The semester is winding down. We only have 2 more weeks of school. We finished up our Wiki projects last week and only have a few more people to make their presentations. The rest of the semester is going to be finishing up our design project. We have submitted our reviews of our first Camtasia video and the reviews of our modules. I’m not sure what our assignments are going to be regarding the design project. I know we have to finalize our modules and create at least one Camtasia video for out modules per group member. After that then the project is done. So far I think we have done a great job on our design project which was on the introduction to learning how to use GIMP. I can’t wait to see it all put together. We also have a quiz 3 to do. Thankfully she gave us to Dec 10th to turn it in. Hopefully I can get that done this weekend.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Blog #10 week ending Nov 13, 2007

Entry #1

When the project has been completed and implemented it is time to move onto the evaluation process. Through evaluation you are able to see if all your hard work paid off. The book talks about the four levels of evaluation. They are reaction, knowledge, performance, and impact. The reaction measures the participants’ initial response and impressions to what is being introduced. This is important because what you developed was to be tailored to those who are going to be using it the most. Overall you want to make sure they like what is being introduced. Knowledge measures if the participants’ acquire the right skill from what is being introduced. You want to make sure they are able to do what is asked of them and that is doesn’t involve too much training. Performance measures behavior and attitude. If the participants’ do not seem to accept what is being introduced then it will be hard to implement and could result in extra money being spent. Finally, impact measures the ROI. When you implement a new project/program you want to make sure your business will be making some sort of revenue. Going through the levels of evaluation you will be able to decide if your project/program is a success or a failure.

Entry #2

The semester is winding down and so are our projects. Last week we wrapped up our discussions on our Wiki project. Mine did not move as smoothly as I had wanted, but hopefully everything will come together for the presentation next week. The design project is moving along nicely. We are in the process of adding our screen shots and making sure everything looks the same. With the screen shots some of us ran into problems with GIMPshop loading properly. It would not open without an error. Thankfully we were able to overcome this obstacle and got the screen shots we needed for our modules. We will be doing the second evaluation of our modules before we move onto making the videos and transferring the modules from a Word document to the web. Due dates are coming fast and it is important not to lose track of time. I can’t wait to see how ours will look in the end…our team has done a great job so far.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Blog #9 week ending Nov 5, 2007

Entry #1

It is getting towards the end of the semester and we are beginning to wrap things up in TSTM 544. On Tuesday Dr. Keane told us a number of the remaining classes are going to be labs so that we can focus on our design project due at the end of the semester. We are to decide what we would like to do during class time and what we would like to do out of class time. I feel neutral about this idea. I like the idea of having class time to get assignments done. However, I also like to do work at home or at my job if I have down time. It is always nice to be able to decide where you want to do something I just don’t want to be penalized i.e. occur absences because I feel I didn’t need to go to class. The only problem I have with this class is that there is a lot of downtime. I either like to do these on my own time, i.e. at home or at work, or during class, but it doesn’t take 1hour and 15 minutes to complete the task. Sometimes we are not allowed to leave early and I feel that then time is wasted. I think if there are days when nothing is scheduled that we can make the decision to stay or leave.

Entry #2

Things are wrapping up on both our Wiki project and design project. It is the last two weeks of our Wiki project and things didn’t quite go as I had planned for my topic. I didn’t get as much of a discussion going as I would have liked. I think this is because my topic was a little harder to understand than others. I didn’t get some feedback from my post, but not as much as others to carry on a good discussion.
As with the Wiki project, the design project is moving on smoothly. We are finishing up the drafts of our modules and soon will begin to make our videos and post things to our website. My modules are almost done; I just have to add some challenges for the learner. I’m not sure how I am going to do the challenges. I will have to look at the GCF website to get an idea of what the learners can do to better understand the program. I can’t wait to see what everything will look like when we are done.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Blog #8 week ending Oct 29, 2007

Entry #1

Distance learning can be difficult both for the teacher and students. I agree with the book that distance learning can run into a number of issues. You get the same issues as a traditional classroom, but you also run into issues with coordination and scheduling. You also cannot depend on technology. If not set up properly technology can cause delay on the schedule. This happened in my TSTM 343 class which was a distance learning course with other USC satellite campuses. Fortunately, we were the ‘parent’ class and didn’t have to rely on technology too much. The other campuses did run into some problems. They sometimes had problems hearing the lecture as well as seeing the PowerPoint presentations. I would much rather be in a traditional classroom than a distance learning classroom. I know it can’t be much different, but somehow I feel I would get a better understanding with a teacher being present in the classroom. I do have to end up taking a distance education course I would hope the teacher would follow the procedure the book lists:
¨ Develop script and materials
¨ Shoot and edit video
¨ Rehearse the presentation
¨ Broadcast the session
Following these steps should ensure a successful course.

Entry #2

This week we took a break from learning more about Camtasia and focused on our CDS and drafting up our first modules. Finally we are able to move away from our objectives and get working on the design aspect of our project. With our CDS getting final approval we can move onto our modules. By Tuesday we are to submit a draft on one of the modules; I did ‘What is GIMPshop?’. I’m not sure if I did it right, but hopefully I am going into the right direction. This module is more of an introduction to our project and won’t really follow the standards of the other modules. With the semester coming to an end faster than I would like it is important to try and get things out of the way. Small assignments and projects are building up and I don’t want to get stressed out about it. Thankfully for this design project we develop of schedule of due dates that will help me schedule everything so that things don’t pile up. I like to get assignments complete ahead of time, but unfortunately I also like to procrastinate. I will just have to make sure I make time for everything I need to focus on and get it done.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Blog #7 week ending Oct 22, 2007

Entry #1

Computer-based learning environments can greatly enhance learning. It gives the teacher an alternate way to deliver new learning materials. Because we are moving into a more ‘digital world’, computer-based learning is an interest to students. Students know a lot about technology and having the opportunity to learn new material on the computer gives them the opportunity to learn and to enhance their skills with technology depending on the type of technology being used. In the book there are four procedures to develop a computer-based course:
Create storyboards
Create and assemble media elements
Perform online reviews
Deliver and implement the course
Following these procedures will result in a computer-based system that will greatly help students learn new material. Take time creating a storyboard and assembling media elements so that you know what exactly is going to be taught through the computer-based application/program. Make sure feedback is considered from the reviews. This will help you tailor the application/program to the ways the participants will get the most out of the application. Finally you deliver and implement the course and hope the students learn what is expected from them.Computer-based learning is an excellent way to introduce new learning materials.

Entry #2

In class on Thursday we were introduced to a new software application called Camtasia. I have heard of Camtasia before, but have never used it. It seems like a cool program. Camtasia is where you can record what is happening on the computer screen to use as tutorials. We are at the very beginning stages of learning the new program. When I learn new software I like to use the program hands on. I feel that is the best way to learn. I do look at tutorials just to get an idea to know what to look at when using the program.
We will be using Camtasia when developing our tutorial for GIMPshop. I consider myself an auditory and visual learner and I think adding these video tutorials to our design project will add an extra element to the whole project. The design project is moving along and I like that we are learning a new application along with it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Blog #6 week ending Oct. 16, 2007

Entry #1

In the book they list four approaches to learning: visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile/kinesthetic. After reading what each approach means I find myself in between being a visual and auditory learner. I prefer a class that include lecture. I feel I get an understanding of what is being taught if I hear it from someone that knows about the topic being taught. However, if they do not know how to properly communicate that information it can be difficult to understand and I might need that information repeated. As much as I am an auditory leaner I also need visuals to help me better understand some concepts that I might have difficultly processing. Having visual examples of what is being taught helps me combine with what is being taught to what I can see i.e. using examples, hands-on, etc.

Entry #2

We are in the beginning stages of both of our class projects: wiki discussion and design project. For our wiki discussion we are to comment on two posts and a moderator post each week. I find I will have enough to say with the two posts I am to leave on other topics, but I find the difficulty on the moderator posts. There are so many topics that your topic might not be commented on. I have run into that difficulty this week. Hopefully by the end of the five weeks I will get a discussion going on one of my moderator questions. I just hope that we won’t be penalized if no discussion happens on our topic.
We are still at the beginning stages of our design project as we are still writing objectives. I feel like we are somewhat repeating what happened last year in TSTM 444 where we spent a lot of time on the needs assessment except this time we are spending a lot of time on writing objectives. I don’t think it will be difficult actually putting together the design portion of the project I just don’t want to feel rushed like I did in 444. After fall break we are moving into Camtasia so hopefully other aspects will begin to get completed.