Monday, November 12, 2007

Blog #10 week ending Nov 13, 2007

Entry #1

When the project has been completed and implemented it is time to move onto the evaluation process. Through evaluation you are able to see if all your hard work paid off. The book talks about the four levels of evaluation. They are reaction, knowledge, performance, and impact. The reaction measures the participants’ initial response and impressions to what is being introduced. This is important because what you developed was to be tailored to those who are going to be using it the most. Overall you want to make sure they like what is being introduced. Knowledge measures if the participants’ acquire the right skill from what is being introduced. You want to make sure they are able to do what is asked of them and that is doesn’t involve too much training. Performance measures behavior and attitude. If the participants’ do not seem to accept what is being introduced then it will be hard to implement and could result in extra money being spent. Finally, impact measures the ROI. When you implement a new project/program you want to make sure your business will be making some sort of revenue. Going through the levels of evaluation you will be able to decide if your project/program is a success or a failure.

Entry #2

The semester is winding down and so are our projects. Last week we wrapped up our discussions on our Wiki project. Mine did not move as smoothly as I had wanted, but hopefully everything will come together for the presentation next week. The design project is moving along nicely. We are in the process of adding our screen shots and making sure everything looks the same. With the screen shots some of us ran into problems with GIMPshop loading properly. It would not open without an error. Thankfully we were able to overcome this obstacle and got the screen shots we needed for our modules. We will be doing the second evaluation of our modules before we move onto making the videos and transferring the modules from a Word document to the web. Due dates are coming fast and it is important not to lose track of time. I can’t wait to see how ours will look in the end…our team has done a great job so far.

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