Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Blog #6 week ending Oct. 16, 2007

Entry #1

In the book they list four approaches to learning: visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile/kinesthetic. After reading what each approach means I find myself in between being a visual and auditory learner. I prefer a class that include lecture. I feel I get an understanding of what is being taught if I hear it from someone that knows about the topic being taught. However, if they do not know how to properly communicate that information it can be difficult to understand and I might need that information repeated. As much as I am an auditory leaner I also need visuals to help me better understand some concepts that I might have difficultly processing. Having visual examples of what is being taught helps me combine with what is being taught to what I can see i.e. using examples, hands-on, etc.

Entry #2

We are in the beginning stages of both of our class projects: wiki discussion and design project. For our wiki discussion we are to comment on two posts and a moderator post each week. I find I will have enough to say with the two posts I am to leave on other topics, but I find the difficulty on the moderator posts. There are so many topics that your topic might not be commented on. I have run into that difficulty this week. Hopefully by the end of the five weeks I will get a discussion going on one of my moderator questions. I just hope that we won’t be penalized if no discussion happens on our topic.
We are still at the beginning stages of our design project as we are still writing objectives. I feel like we are somewhat repeating what happened last year in TSTM 444 where we spent a lot of time on the needs assessment except this time we are spending a lot of time on writing objectives. I don’t think it will be difficult actually putting together the design portion of the project I just don’t want to feel rushed like I did in 444. After fall break we are moving into Camtasia so hopefully other aspects will begin to get completed.

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