Friday, October 26, 2007

Blog #8 week ending Oct 29, 2007

Entry #1

Distance learning can be difficult both for the teacher and students. I agree with the book that distance learning can run into a number of issues. You get the same issues as a traditional classroom, but you also run into issues with coordination and scheduling. You also cannot depend on technology. If not set up properly technology can cause delay on the schedule. This happened in my TSTM 343 class which was a distance learning course with other USC satellite campuses. Fortunately, we were the ‘parent’ class and didn’t have to rely on technology too much. The other campuses did run into some problems. They sometimes had problems hearing the lecture as well as seeing the PowerPoint presentations. I would much rather be in a traditional classroom than a distance learning classroom. I know it can’t be much different, but somehow I feel I would get a better understanding with a teacher being present in the classroom. I do have to end up taking a distance education course I would hope the teacher would follow the procedure the book lists:
¨ Develop script and materials
¨ Shoot and edit video
¨ Rehearse the presentation
¨ Broadcast the session
Following these steps should ensure a successful course.

Entry #2

This week we took a break from learning more about Camtasia and focused on our CDS and drafting up our first modules. Finally we are able to move away from our objectives and get working on the design aspect of our project. With our CDS getting final approval we can move onto our modules. By Tuesday we are to submit a draft on one of the modules; I did ‘What is GIMPshop?’. I’m not sure if I did it right, but hopefully I am going into the right direction. This module is more of an introduction to our project and won’t really follow the standards of the other modules. With the semester coming to an end faster than I would like it is important to try and get things out of the way. Small assignments and projects are building up and I don’t want to get stressed out about it. Thankfully for this design project we develop of schedule of due dates that will help me schedule everything so that things don’t pile up. I like to get assignments complete ahead of time, but unfortunately I also like to procrastinate. I will just have to make sure I make time for everything I need to focus on and get it done.

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