Monday, November 26, 2007

Blog #11 week ending Nov 26, 2007

Entry #1

The evaluation process is one of the most important steps to understand. This step will let you know if all the time you spent on the project was worth it or not. It is important to develop an evaluation strategy. This helps you to determine the level of evaluation and how you are going to measure them. In the book the evaluation strategy is separated into 4 components. The learning strategy tells you want you wanted to get out of the project. The e-learning strategy lets you know what you need to invest in technology wise. The evaluation strategy lets you know what criteria to base things on and the evaluation plan is developed for each project. Once you know the evaluation strategy it will be help you know how you will rate the project as a success or failure and what needs or doesn’t need to be changed.

Entry #2

The semester is winding down. We only have 2 more weeks of school. We finished up our Wiki projects last week and only have a few more people to make their presentations. The rest of the semester is going to be finishing up our design project. We have submitted our reviews of our first Camtasia video and the reviews of our modules. I’m not sure what our assignments are going to be regarding the design project. I know we have to finalize our modules and create at least one Camtasia video for out modules per group member. After that then the project is done. So far I think we have done a great job on our design project which was on the introduction to learning how to use GIMP. I can’t wait to see it all put together. We also have a quiz 3 to do. Thankfully she gave us to Dec 10th to turn it in. Hopefully I can get that done this weekend.

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