Monday, September 24, 2007

Blog #4 week ending Sept. 27, 2007

Entry #1

There are a lot of elements to keep in mind when working on a multimedia project. One area that should always be looked at and updated is the project schedule. Usually there is one person called a project manager that keeps track of the scheduling. However, like the book states most of the time instructional designers or other multimedia team members find themselves serving as project manager without any experience. Not keeping up with the project schedule can result in a number of setbacks which can include overspending, time setback, or even project failure. In the book they list three activities in creating a project schedule:
- Document general project information
- List project deliverables
- Schedule project activities
Documenting what the purpose of the project, obstacles and constraints, etc. helps you begin to think about the route you are going to take when developing the project. Next you want to list the project deliverables. Knowing the project deliverables and milestones let you and the team know what is of the most importance in the project. Finally, scheduling project activities lets everyone know their role in the project, know the timeline, and make sure the deliverables are delivered on time. Making sure everything runs smoothing is important and looking at the schedule and updating it continuously will guarantee a successful project.

Entry #2

We have moved into the next stage of our Wiki project. Last week we were assigned to find five articles dealing with our topic; mine being eLearning 2.0. When I began my search I thought it would be no problem. How hard could it be to find five articles? Well… it took a little more time than I had expected. When I tried to Google and various other search engines I could not find any articles. I could find plenty of blog entries, but those are not considered articles. I soon realized that maybe my topic was too new to write on. After some more time searching for articles I decided to try something new. I used different phrases to try and find more articles. That is when I found success. Using words like advantage and Learning 2.0 I was able to find my five articles and to begin writing my summaries. I have learned a lot about eLearning 2.0 while doing this project. There are a lot of applications and resources out there to help enhance learning. I am interested in how the discussion aspect of this project will turn out.

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