Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blog #2 week ending Sept 13, 2007

Entry #1

In our text book they break Assessment/analysis phase into two parts, needs analysis and front-end analysis. In our text book for TSTM 444 the assessment phase only consist of needs analysis which is the systematic way of determining the gap that exists between where the organization is where it wishes to be. What is front-end analysis and why does our textbook separate the assessment phase into two parts? In the book front-end analysis is defined as a collection of techniques that can be used in various combinations to help you bridge the gap by determining what solution(s) will be required. Needs analysis and front-end analysis look similar in meaning; however, the book believes front-end analysis will provide more detailed information. We did an exercise in class on Thursday matching the front-end analysis terms of our current textbook to the needs assessment terms from out previous text book and through the exercise it showed that the needs analysis is very similar to front-end analysis. Personally I don’t think the assessment phase needed to be separated. What is to be done in the front-end analysis portion can easily be done in the needs analysis part eliminating an extra step. Therefore it would allow you to help the company/organization with their needs at a faster rate and still be providing them everything they desire from the training. Adding an extra step doesn’t always help with the problem and could contribute to confusion.

Entry #2

In class on Thursday we began looking for topics that we would lead a discussion for our Wiki project. Dr. Keane gave us time in class to brainstorm ideas on what to do research on. There are tons of information about training and ways of acquiring knowledge and learning. Yet somehow I found it difficult to choose a topic. I wanted to find a topic that I could find enough information to lead a successful discussion and find enough information to complete the research aspect of the project. At first the ideas I was considering were either too broad of a topic or I couldn’t find enough information. Others I thought were already being considered as topics so I decided to find a topic that is being introduced. There is a lot going on today dealing with eLearning. Knowing that it was too broad to do research on I tried to find different types of eLearning. After looking on Answers.com and Wikipedia I finally found the topic to do research on, eLearning 2.0. I was able to find enough information to do research and I believe I will have a successful discussion with this topic. The concept of eLearning 2.0 is growing and I am interested in what other types of eLearning I fill find will doing this Wiki project…eLearning 3.0 maybe?

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