Monday, December 3, 2007

Blog #12 week ending Dec 3, 2007

Entry #1

When going through the evaluation process it is important to develop the proper measurement instruments which can include test, questionnaires, and surveys. In the book it says surveys could present the most difficulty because it can be difficult to at least a 50% return. I believe the best choice of instrument could be a combination of a test and questionnaire. The test could prove if the subject was able to retain the new information that was being taught. After the test the subject could answer a questionnaire so that you can find out what they liked, didn’t like, and what could be improved. Feedback lets you know how you did with developing a learning tool. After you receive feedback you are able to make any changes so that you can begin developing a new training program for next time.

Entry #2

The semester has come to a close. This is my last blog entry for TSTM 544. It has been a fast semester and we are finishing up our design project. This week we had to develop our Camtasia video for one of our modules. It took me awhile to get what I wanted, but I think my video turned out better than I had thought. With the design project about over I am turning my focus onto the quiz 3 that was assigned to us. I got my questions written out. The only problem I am running into is scheduling a time to meet and conduct the interview. With classes coming to an end with reviews/studying for exams and work it is becoming more difficult than I thought. I think everything will work out in the end and I will make the grade I want in this class. =)